Northwest Missouri AHECHosted by Mosaic Life Care, St. Joseph, Missouri
Northwest Missouri AHECHosted by Mosaic Life Care, St. Joseph, Missouri
What We Do
Programs Offered at NWMO AHEC

Pipeline Workshops
During the school year, Pipeline Workshops are held monthly with a specific health career focus such as physical, occupational and speech therapy, primary care, surgery, etc.

Gold Fridays with Missouri Western State University
Missouri Western State University is moving to a four-day week academic calendar. NWMO AHEC is working with programs there to offer monthly health career opportunities.

AHEC Career Enhancement Scholars (ACES)
The multi-year program is for high school students who want to commit more time to exploring a health career with students from other students. In addition to hands-on opportunities, students study health literacy, public health, healthcare ethics, professionalism, etc.
Success Stories
Success Stories from NWMO
Lyndsey Arnold Bailey attended PRIMO academies in high school student and was in the first ACES class. She is a graduate of MWSU and has worked in home health, hospice, labor and delivery and pain management. Lyndsey assists AHEC in promoting nursing.
Kasey McDonald and Jordan Snook have spent eight years as ACES, MWSU pre-medical students, and as medical students, now with rotations in NWMO. They help NWMO AHEC with everything we ask!
Dr. Steins became an AHEC participant as a student at Northwest Missouri State University. As a dentist in Stanberry, she has hosted AHEC Pipeline Workshops at her office.
NWMO By the Numbers – FY23
Pipeline Participants
Clinical Training Rotations
Get In Touch With NWMO
St. Joseph, MO 64506
Email: becky.kendrick@mymlc.com
Hours: M-F 8am – 4:30pm
Executive Director: Becky Kendrick